Luke Sital-Singh

Support: Jake Troth
Voor fans van: Bon Iver, Damien Rice, Ben Howard

Beste muziekliefhebber,

Zoals iedereen inmiddels ongetwijfeld weet, zijn er nieuwe maatregelen aangekondigd om de verdere verspreiding van het coronavirus tegen te gaan. Helaas betekenen deze maatregelen dat de volledige tour van Luke Sital-Singh is gecanceld, en dus ook het concert in Rotown. We hebben ons best gedaan om een vervangende datum te vinden voor dit concert, maar dat is jammer genoeg niet gelukt.

Omdat alle verplaatsingen en afgelastingen op het moment veel vragen van het hele Rotown-team, vragen we je om even geduld te hebben. Meer informatie over eventuele restituties volgt zo spoedig mogelijk.

Statement van Luke Sital-Singh:
I’m very sad to announce that I have to cancel my upcoming European/UK tour. If you have already bought a ticket or were planning on coming to a show, I’m so sorry we won’t be seeing each other this time around.

There are no current plans to reschedule the dates so please visit your ticket seller for refund information.

I’ll be kicking around in the digital world as much as possible, so let’s all keep chatting, singing along to songs and helping each other out as much as we can.

The world is in a challenging place right now, keep safe and be kind folks.

Hartelijk dank voor je begrip en hopelijk tot snel,

THe show of Luke Sital-Singh is cancelled!

Statement of Luke Sital-Singh:
I’m very sad to announce that I have to cancel my upcoming European/UK tour. If you have already bought a ticket or were planning on coming to a show, I’m so sorry we won’t be seeing each other this time around.There are no current plans to reschedule the dates so please visit your ticket seller for refund information.I’ll be kicking around in the digital world as much as possible, so let’s all keep chatting, singing along to songs and helping each other out as much as we can.The world is in a challenging place right now, keep safe and be kind folks.